Compliance in marketing and investments

There is no doubt that the concept of product compliance is related to the trade of goods in regulated markets. It serves to minimize risks, to define and improve security standards in various ways, to make the flow of goods more transparent in the face of global market interdependence, and ultimately to improve quality standards in the interests of the consumer. And this – and therefore all of us! – is also the one who sets the standards for product compliance in the sense of a modern society, be it through political commitment or his behavior as a consumer. In public discourse, the regulations mentioned are often presented as “blocks on the economic ladder”, which is not enough in a “holistic-economic” view, especially since the regulations apply to everyone, so that no one is at a competitive disadvantage in the first instance – provided that they are monitored and enforced accordingly by the authorities!

Product Compliance as a marketing tool and investment criteria

Compliance-supported market research and advertising effectiveness

International databases daily fill up more and more with information on products, substances and articles. Knowing the registration status of raw materials or possible restrictions that are becoming apparent can be a decisive competitive advantage. ChemLogis GmbH carries out such market analyses on the regulatory status of target products according to customer requirements. The regulatory research service can also be combined with IP research.

The same applies to the external appearance: Why not present the fulfillment of your regulatory requirements to the public? After all, there is a lot of work involved! Turn this into concrete added value! ChemLogis GmbH supports you in this, e.g. by employing the “askREACH” app.

ChemLogis GmbH carries out regulatory research on special economic issues according to customer specifications. Our client should be able to add regulatory aspects to his economic risk analysis through the prepared expert opinion. Especially for questions of sourcing in the context of GAP analyses, the consideration of regulatory parameters can be of great benefit. ChemLogis will be pleased to support you in this.

These aspects are also important when making investment decisions. Particularly in high-risk sectors such as life sciences or pharmaceuticals, the focus is often on other, more substantial issues. ChemLogis GmbH helps to identify regulatory pitfalls at an early stage, which can lead to considerable cost savings!

Economic risks and compliance, economic scenarios

Above points are not a complete list; please contact us and describe your request. We recommend signing a mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in advance. Here you can request our suggested NDA form.