Technical processes - product and operational safety

In this branch of business the service of ChemLogis GmbH approaches the topic product compliance from the material side, quasi from the technical-chemical direction. Basically, production processes follow certain scientific principles, are mostly standardized and optimized for reproducible batch quality. In addition, many other factors determine the economic efficiency of these processes. Consequently, most technical processes offer little scope for flexibility, even if there are only minor restrictions from the mere scientific or technical part. Even small changes in the regulatory background can therefore have a major impact. ChemLogis’ service aims to counteract this effect as early as possible.

Technical processes - efficiency, analysis, revision

Assessment, risk management, compliance check

According to your specifications ChemLogis GmbH evaluates processes or part of processes. We evaluate chemical and technical aspects against the relevant regulatory background.

Furthermore, we are available for you as independent, external experts to adequately introduce technical-regulatory topics into discussions, e.g. in risk analyses such as FMEA considerations.

Overall, we evaluate and assess technical solutions and value-adding processes according to customer specifications with regard to conformity with selected legal areas and product compliance.

ChemLogis GmbH has extended the service of sole process assessment in the sense that we support our clients in the areas of development and innovation in addition to any other services. We accompany your development process and help to identify and overcome regulatory hurdles at an early stage.

Accordingly, we contribute our know-how to the generation of your IP – without wanting to participate in it! Although regulatory concerns do not constitute arguments in the sense of patent law, innovative and creative impulses can be derived from them, which can, for example, contribute to the “inventive step“.

A spirit of innovation and technical creativity is also required in contemporary process conduct according to current environmental standards, such as the specifications for CO2 reduction. We would be happy to advise you on these topics as well!

Innovation and development, IP and compliance, carbon dioxide reduction

The above points are not a complete list; please contact us and describe your request. We recommend signing a mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in advance. Here you can request our suggested NDA form.