SVHC substances: analysis, consulting, SCIP notification
Among hazardous substances, those candidates which give rise to increased concern are receiving special and continous regulatory attention. In addition to a problematic toxicological profile, the reasons for separate treatment include the fact that such compounds are usually persistent and bioaccumulative, i.e. accumulate in the environment and ecosystems.
However, many of these so-called SVHC substances are important industrial compounds and difficult to replace, which means their use is not immediately dispensable. It is therefore essential to know their whereabouts in the material cycles so that risks can be controlled and unintentional releases prevented.
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Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) - biannual action required
Your product contains one or more of these notifiable substances? ChemLogis GmbH supports you with the notification.
You want to make sure that your raw materials, articles or products do not contain SVHC substances? ChemLogis advises you on screening and analyses critical substances and goods based on scientific criteria.
You want to establish SVHC analysis as part of your QM strategy? We offer the custom-fit analysis for your problem!

SVHC: general consulting, QM systems, validity assessment, consumer protection
ChemLogis GmbH provides general advice on the topic of SVHC substances. It is particularly risky for importers and manufacturers, but also for downstream users who rely on raw materials that are in compliance with regulatory requirements. This is not to be understood as a vote of no confidence or apportioning of blame; due to the constantly growing list of SVHC substances, it is quite possible that a product or article may contain a problematic substance virtually “overnight”, although it was considered to be “regulatorily flawless” the day before. Preventing this oversight is part of the ChemLogis service.
It therefore makes sense to reflect this aspect of hazardous substance management within the scope of your own QM in a risk assessing manner. We support you in this endeavor, e.g. by means of a validity assessment of the risk-relevant documentation along the supply chain.
Since the topic is of comparatively high public interest, we explicitly offer this service to end users, consumer protection agencies and non-profit organizations.
Within the scope of circular economy and recycling management ChemLogis GmbH gives advise to waste management and recycling companies with regard to unknown and problematic ingredients, especially candidates on the SVHC list. Problematic substances pose a high risk, especially for these companies, as the material flows are reunited and they are confronted with a comparatively large amount of the hazardous substances. In addition, some of these compounds can make recycling processes difficult or impossible.
To make these risks manageable, it is essential to know the composition of the ingredients of goods and products. To guarantee this in the sense of regulatory transparency is, by the way, also one aspect behind the SCIP database!
ChemLogis supports you in designing evaluation and analytical strategies as part of your QM system in order to meet these demands.
Problematic waste and disposal goods, unknown ingredients, QM-compatible analytical strategies
SVHC screening, SVHC assessment, supply chain communication
Since the list of candidate substances (SVHC) is extended every six months and the entries range from inorganic metals to small organic molecules, simple routine analysis is no longer able to meet the requirements for all analytes in parallel. Therefore ChemLogis GmbH offers its clients a screening for SVHC substances based on scientific reason. The procedure
- leads to a qualitative analysis result,
- is precisely matched to the chemical requirements of the sampled material,
- is ideal for random sampling of raw materials, fine chemicals or products.
Depending on the findings, we will provide you with results-oriented advice; we are also available to you as expert compliance officers. We will be happy to take over and answer specific questions from your customers, or represent your compliance interests vis-à-vis suppliers and importers – in a concrete, clearly oriented manner based on screening results and the interests of your company!