Chemicals law and product safety
It is not without reason that the business unit “regulatory service – chemicals law and product safety” is the first of the services offered. After all, international and national legal acts are the reason why product compliance literally exists in the first place.
They represent the socially intended rules, according to which all players in the regulated market must comply with. The services described below are directly related to these legal acts or result directly from their stipulations. The scope of our service hereto is of course international!
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Regulatory service: REACH, CLP & Co

External assignment, supply chain management, communication with authorities
ChemLogis GmbH supports your company in compliance aspects towards third parties, e.g. by
- the appointment as external experts, as only representative (OR) or third party representative,
- handling SIEF communication with co-registrants, lead registrants, consortia or ECHA,
- guidance in official proceedings, assumption of contacts with authorities on behalf of the client,
- consulting on compliance in supply chains, sourcing and communication in supply chains.
The list is by no means exhaustive; please contact us and tell us what you need. We recommend signing a mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in advance. Here you can request our suggested NDA form.
According to your specifications, we prepare dossiers for the registration of substances and mixtures under REACH, advise you on all aspects of substance registration and SIEF communication.
ChemLogis GmbH supports you in the notification of hazardous substances and the classification of new compounds before introducing them into the market according to the CLP regulation, in the notification of SVHC substances in products and the notification in the SCIP database, as well as in the creation of the product information file for cosmetic products and their EU notification.
Our services also include the maintenance of the above-mentioned documents and databases, checking for up-to-dateness and progressive software compatibility.
Notification, dossiers, registration and data management
Compliance analyses, monitoring of international regulations, needs assessment
ChemLogis GmbH conducts compliance-oriented market analyses on behalf of its customers, recording and analyzing the regulatory status of the desired substances, products or goods. The scope of the analysis is at the discretion of the client.
Vice versa, we also carry out analyses over longer periods of time or intervals. Since the regulatory requirements for one and the same product or substance can undergo drastic changes over time, we offer monitoring of the regulatory situation for a specific substance, article or product over a predefined period of time.
A further, special service of ChemLogis GmbH is the compliance-linked IP research. Herein, according to customer specifications, an intellectual property subject (IP) is studied against the background of the specific compliance situation of the object of investigation, e.g. as a patent dossier comparison.
ChemLogis GmbH advises you on all aspects of product compliance concerning your specific article or product. In doing so, we focus on the adjacent and applicable legal areas that your article or product touches on during the entire cycle of the circular economy, i.e. from raw material to recyclate!
We determine, for example, any need for notification, advise you on your options as a downstream user in supply chains and support you in the development of your company’s own compliance strategy as part of the framework of your QM system.
This list is also not exhaustive; please contact us and describe your request. We recommend signing a mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in advance. Here you can request our suggested NDA form.